Semiconductor Micro-Inspection

Developing Machine Vision to inspect semiconductor defects in production.

Chip bonding refers to a technique by which the individual chips of a wafer are attached to a substrate using an appropriate adhesive.


When necessary, it must maintain constant electrical conduction or realize a high level of insulation. Therefore, bonding methods are becoming more important as chips continue to become smaller and smaller.



There are many defects on:

  • Substrate: contamination, displacement
  • Chip: displacement, chip skew in 3D direction
  • Pad (electrode) on chip and substrate: shape, location, displacement
  • Epoxy: not fully covered the bonding area
  • Wire: looping, breaking, loop height, touching

Illustrated image: substrate.png

System advantages:

  • On-the-fly inspection
  • Contactless measurement
  • Detection Yield: 99.5%
  • Measurement:
    • Accuracy: 8 μm
    • Repeatability: 4 μm

Illumination system illu.png

Actual samples: bright_and_dark_field.png

Sagging wire samples:
